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Meeting Planner Tip of the Month

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In order to book the city you want and your preferred dates, more and more groups are having to contract their hotels farther out.  With this in mind, you should always protect your group with an Annual Guestroom and Meeting Space Review.  That way all of your group room numbers and meeting space are blocked correctly.  Check out my great TIPS below on how to PROTECT LONG-TERM CONTRACTS WITH AN ANNUAL GUESTROOM AND MEETING SPACE REVIEW   1.  PROTECT YOURSELF...

UNIQUE MEETING VENUES…Get away from the standard hotel ballroom and breakout rooms and enjoy huge theater space, indoor/outdoor meeting venues that can be set classroom, conference style, whatever your pleasure.  Cruise ships have turned into great meeting venues at sea. STAY CONNECTED…New satellite technology and increased bandwidth are making wifi access faster and more reliable. FEEL THE BREEZE...

DON’T OVERTHINK YOUR F&B – Put yourself in your attendee’s shoes.  Keep the food “manageable” but respectable.  Carving stations mean more labor costs.  Open bars can be a flood gate of expenses.  Stay focused on what you want your event to accomplish. NEGOTIATE ALL OF YOUR COSTS UP FRONT – Make sure that all of your f&b, labor, AV, entertainment and rental costs are all negotiated up front.  You don’t ANY surprises when you see the bill. WORK WITH THE EXECUTIVE CHEF...

REBOOK CLA-- USE     In the unlikely event that Group must cancel this event, or incurs any attrition charges, Hotel agrees to allow Group to utilize 100% of any fees paid as a one-time credit towards a future program to be held within 12 months of original meeting dates.  Outside of 12 months, Hotel agrees to allow Group to utilize 50% of any fees paid as a one-time credit.     The Rebook Clause is a clause that 20 years ago was...

PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE THEY LIKE… If you’re nice to people, treat them fairly and show them the value of working with you, they will take care of you. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, IT’S WHO YOU KNOW…The relationships that you develop within hotels, with National Sales Managers or with CVB reps are VITAL in our industry. When something goes sideways or you need a favor, it’s nice to know who to call and who will take care of you. IT MAKES NEGOTIATING EASIER…When...